Smart Start Money provides information on making smart money decisions. Providing tips, personal experiences, and opinions on saving smart and spending smart. Times have changed since getting a job and keeping the same place of employment for a lifetime. The average time spent with one employer is now three to five years. Companies are replacing workers with lean staff that previously held more people to accomplish the same tasks. This has resulted in periods of unemployment for many people making it challenging to save for retirement and stay debt-free. The rising costs of healthcare, consumer goods, and wages that often do not seem to keep pace with the cost of daily life make it more important than ever to make smart financial decisions. Millions of people struggle each day to get ahead. The intention of Smart Start Money is to not only provide insight into saving or spending but also open conversations. Discussions relating to the economy, employment, and even the occasional forbidden topic of politics are possible. If the subject matter has a correlation to helping people with their finances or questioning the so-called experts, it is open for dialogue. It has never been more important than ever to save and stay out of debt. No one has all the answers when it comes to personal finance. People come from all different backgrounds in life. The choices we make and the opportunities available are never identical. We can all learn from each other.
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
The Media and Politicians: Hypocrisy For Public Relations and Financial Gain
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
It doesn’t matter. Both republicans and democrats never seem to tell the complete truth and neither does the media. They all spin a story for their own politics and financial gain. The truth always seems to lie somewhere in the middle.
The President’s press conference today on the decision to stop importing Russian oil is not the entire story. Furthermore, it is not looking at the big picture. Washington and the media like to portray themselves as believing in doing the right thing. A good public image campaign and ultimately financial gain are their ultimate goals. The American people do not fall into these objectives. If we did, they would all be pointing out all the solutions for the problems at hand. Solutions to solve problems now and in the future.
This podcast episode talks about how the elite media and Washington politicians are not talking about additional problems related to Russia, Ukraine, and security in America. They are all looking to profit off the decline of the country. Someone really needs to start asking a lot more questions.
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